Am citit un articol in care un copil a murit din cauza faptului ca ducea lipsa de foarte multe vitamine datorita parintilor iresponsabili care sunt vegani. De ce ii consider iresponsabili? Pentru ca daca tot esti vegan, macar sa ai putin habar de nutritia ta pentru ca ii poate afecta pe cei din jur, mai ales copii care au nevoie de foarte multe proteine si vitamine pentru dezvoltare si crestere. Chiar a doua zi am dat tot din greseala peste alt articol in care un copil de 12 ani, tot vegan, are oasele ca ale unui om de 80 de ani, va puteti imagina tot din cauza nutritiei proasta pe care o au. De vina sunt parintii!
A fi vegan sau chiar vegetarian nu inseamna a te hrani numai cu verdeturi si atat. Corpul uman are nevoie de vitamine, proteine, minerale care se gasesc in legume si carne care in combinatie creeaza doza zilnica pentru un organism puternic si sanatos.
Poti sa duci si o viata buna ca si vegetarian, dar asta inseamna sa ai habar de minimul necesar organismului tau si de sanatatea ta, cat despre vegani, acolo e cu totul alta treaba. A fi vegan inseamna a renunta pana si la pasta de dinti pe care o folosesti, la produse cosmetice, la medicamente, la tot ce a fost testat pe animale, iar daca ati vedea lista produselor, v-ati speria. A fi vegan inseamna a duce o viata cat mai simpla si lipsita de chimicalele de care in ziua de astazi nu prea mai ai cum sa fugi de ele. Nu intru in prea multe detalii despre acest stil de viata...
Pe o pagina de facebook, am dat de o poza in care s-a facut o demonstratie despre egalitatea la animale. Poza vorbeste de la sine. Evident ca s-a facut mare tam tam vizavi de acest subiect foarte delicat. A fost o adevarata batalie pro si contra la care pot spune ca m-am cam distrat pe cinste sa citesc cateva aberatii din partea unora care au impresia ca prin asemenea proteste ar putea schimba lumea.

More people need to do more to raise awareness of animal cruelty. Your so called food chain argument is invalid and has been so for a long time. We don't need animal meat at all to lead a healthy lifestyle. If you love meat so much I challenge you to eat it raw and see how much you enjoy that flavor. You are enjoying the way meat is cooked, with seasonings and sauces. Eating it raw would be unbearably disgusting to you. You're not even getting the real deal anymore folks. All of it is poisoned by your government, the meat is processed with harsh bleaches and chemicals causing your body to get sick and die of cancer. Wake up.
We have every right to ASK mankind to take it's responsibility (of course, we don't have the right to shove it down everyone's throat (yet) ); you as an individual have every right to not agree and vent your opinion. As for evolution, my opinion is that this actually IS evolution, since mankind has evolved into a species that to a great extent can control it's environment. With that comes a certain responsibility (we are sentient beings, so we must be able to recognize and cope with this responsibility). As far as i am concerned this discussion can be solved in two ways: either we provide every human being with a spear to go and catch his or her own meat (and fight it, if needed) or we take the next step and recognize that we as a species can (i daresay HAVE) eliminate(d) the need to eat meat.
Try some raw meat and let me know how you enjoy it. If you're so pro meat I'm sure you won't have a problem eating a dead carcass that has been rotting for months full of hormones, preservatives to make you think it's fresh, puss, and tumors. The reality is that Meat is a clear link to cancer, heart disease, kidney failure and several other diseases. That is surely a smart cause to fight for, Right?
Are you aware that vegetables can also decay? Do you eat ONLY raw vegetables? No bread because it's also baked, no stew's, no soups... Don't be a smart ass if you have no idea about nutrition. I am sure you have no idea what a nutritious vegetarian meal is... You should fight for yourself. What people put in their mouths is not your problem and with this I rest my case with you. I am aware of what I eat, my health and my life doesn't concern you.
And are YOU aware that vegetables don't harm our bodies but actually heal us? Are you aware that food is meant to be our medicine instead of decaying our bodies and causing several illness's? No. You clearly aren't. But you know.. HEY! I know nothing about nutrition clearly, I'm just some crazy bread, soup and vegetable eating vegan that is severely malnourished. I love that you assume everyone eats bread by the way. Typical american propaganda.
If you knew anything about the human body you'd realize that it is evolved to digest plant matter. The length of our intestines, strength of our stomach acid, our molars and the way our body breaks down the food are all clear facts showing we are herbivores. But alright lets deny all science and believe the massive disinformation campaigns being used to confuse you...
For hundred years mankind ate meat, I do wonder how come we aren't extinct yet based on you theory....
Oh that's a great reply - humans have been killing other humans from forever too - should we keep up that practice too?
What does nutrition has to do with war? That's another subject to debate that has nothing to do with your choice of eating meat or not. Turning it into another subject doesn't help the argument.Si cateva comentarii mai putin absurde si rationale care merita putin respect pentru lipsa de fanatism:
As a longtime vegetarian, I personally don't much like this behavior. I think that if we, vegetarians, and our choices are to be taken seriously and respected, we might not want to dress up as grotesque human meat packages. It portrays us as shocking and fanatical. Not really like the tolerant, healthy and happy people who we are. I'd just like to say, I hope that everyone doesn't think that we're all like this.
I find it kind of funny how people get so damn defensive about what they eat. A vegetarian takes a stand against meat and every meat eating person takes personal offence to it and goes off on a tangent about how unnatural vegetarianism is (which I don't quite think is true.) And when someone who eats meat talks about meat, people who don't eat out go on an educational spiel. No one is ever going to hear the other side of things as long as you're (excuse my language) bitching about everything. I personally believe in seeing both views and educating myself to make an informed decision that's best for me. So please, hold off on the dickhead comments and have an intelligent debate.
i dont understand why vegatarian people always have to force people to not eat meat... if not eating meat gives you a good feeling that is totally no problem, but please stop with annoying other people with this...
Meat is actually really good for you. The Sioux Nation ate buffalo meat for centuries and were strong and healthy people. People actually need protein to survive and lean animal meat such as chicken and deer are good for you in moderation. Just because I like a good steak doesn't mean I want to eat people! If you don't want to eat meat than fine but don't force that decision on me and tell me how to eat!Ma intreb oare de cand ii intereseaza pe unii de stilul meu de viata si de ce am eu in farfurie? Cu siguranta nu intereseaza pe nimeni ca eu fac cancer din moment ce imi scot ochii de faptul ca mananc carne. Si ce e si mai amuzant este ca sunt foarte multi oameni care iti scot ochii ca mananci carne care vorba lor este plina de tumori si boala, cand ei nici macar nu sunt in stare sa isi vada de propria lor nutritie. Sunt de parere ca daca ouale, laptele si carnea ti-ar afecta sanatatea, cu siguranta in atatia ani de stiinta medici, nutritionisti, experti in domeniu ne-ar fi adus la cunostinta aceasta cauza si nu s-ar mai recomanda in nici o carte de alimentatie sanatoasa carnea, atat pentru om, cat si pentru copii. Deci oricat ai da pe google, vei gasi materiale si pro si contra, amandoua la fel de valabile pline de informatii; acum urmeaza sa iti alegi tabara din care vrei sa faci parte si sa te certi pe internet despre cine are mai mare dreptate.
La un moment dat i-am explicat unui fanatic ca oamenii care lupta pentru aceasta cauza au devenit atat de obsedati vizavi de acest subiect incat au uitat de propria lor viata. In loc sa arunce cu noroi in oamenii care aleg sa manance carne, ar trebui sa faca seminarii despre viata fara carne, despre nutritie si sanatate. Cu siguranta eforturile depuse ar fi mult mai apreciate decat daca iti exersezi talentele dictatoriale pe internet vizavi de carne... si asa deodata i-am dat o idee buna si nu o mai avut ce comenta!
Inteleg si respect oamenii care lupta pentru o cauza, dar cu forta nu s-a ajuns niciodata nicaieri si oamenii lupta atat de mult pentru principiile si si le impun intr-o metoda atat de violenta incat ei devin "aia rai" ca sa spun asa, indiferent care este motivul tau, fa-o in primul rand pentru tine si daca oamenii din jurul tau te vor aprecia pentru persoana care ai devenit, te vor lua ca exemplu si iti vor urmarii calea. Ce frumos suna, nu-i asa?
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