1 mai 2012

Funny Stuff PART 8

"Am crezut ca ti-a venit matusa de la turnul rosu"

"Excuse me for a sec I got an acid reflux laughing"

"Glumele cele mai bune sunt glumele proaste facute bine!"

"You is an unique individual"

"She faps at your pictures"

"Pardon me ... I'll slap myself for you"

"Something bit me! If I don't respond in 15 min, call the president!"

"I can hear you typing all the way from Sibiu"

"Bravo, meriti o pula! ^_^"

"Se fute vremea, pacat ca noi nu"

"Happy 2 year anniversary! ♥ Now adopt me!"

"Thank you Jupiter for sex and tequilla"

"Mi se zice imblanzitorul de scorpii..."

"La cit sint de viril, daca trag o laba in baie, ramine gravid tot blocul"

"From promoter he was promoted to man whore"

"Femeile trebuie sa fie finute si dornice de pula nu de pussy"

"Ii place pula groasa, chit ca e subtire, macar e invelita in bani... "

"If I want to hurt my girlfriend, I just fuck her in the ass "

"You're my nazi...you're the gas to my Jews"

"Eu tot timpu am crezut ca local kombat e o parodie dupa jocu mortal kombat"

"I love small children, dar fara zahar ca sunt destul de dulce"

"I drank so much coffee that i get clisma in my sleep and in my dream, bunnies and tiny horses lick my butthole, then i wake up....grab a brush and put a little make up.. u know..the usual..."

Haideti sa sintetizam: "NU eutanasierii SMURD-ului de la Rosia Montana!"

Deja Poo = the feeling that you've heard that crap before

Miss Butch: Imi dai voie sa-ti.spun cat esti de frumoasa? Te deranjeaza k sti k ma atragi? There is a chemestry between u and me, am i wrong?

Eu: M-am saturat sa ma tot impiedic de stativele tale
Husband Unit: Bucura-te ca nu eram gradinari ca te impiedicai in greble si era mai tragic :D

Eu: You are such a moron sometimes
Husband Unit: Taci acolo ca nu stie multa lume...

Ale: Faza dintr-un film: if the marriage implodes, divorce. You haven't lived fully 'till you've been through one of those.
EU: True story....
Ale: Nu si pentru tine! Sa nu-ti vina idei ca tu traiesti destul si fara divort :))

[1 aprilie sms] EU: Am hotarat sa ma despart de Alex si o sa ma mut la Brasov soon. Call me
Ale: Da, si eu m-am despartit de Andrei pentru ca mi-am dat seama ca defapt sunt indragostita de tac'su....

Bro: ┬─┬╯╯︵ /(.□.)\.
Bro: in soviet russia table flips u

Dani: mai pica netu...si merge cam ca ceapa in compromit general...probabil mai dau astia cate un google translate sa vada ca nu compromit integritatea statului [China]
Dani: sa vedem daca imi bat la usa
Dani: daca asta nu-i atinge
Dani: inseamna ca e safe

Eu: I wanted to buy a 8 inch revolver, but I figured it doesn't fit in my purse
Bro: well it's not a purse gun
Bro: it's more of a Texan cowboy fuck you bonanza gun

Also check: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7

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